"God works in funny ways.  He does bad things sometimes because in the end they are good.  Something bad can happen to you but it may happen because it will make you better. He does bad to ultimately create good."

-Max gruver


The Max Gruver Foundation's mission is to prevent hazing through awareness, education, policy, and law advocacy. We address the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and bullying by conducting seminars and presentations. Our objective is to work with universities, high schools, and organizations across the country because together, we can create change.

Max Gruver

Max was a freshman at Louisiana State University, majoring in political communications. He was a 2017 graduate of Blessed Trinity Catholic High School in Roswell, GA. Max was a kind and generous young man, deeply loved by his friends and family, and known as a gentle giant. He had a passion for sports, even coaching his little sister’s basketball team. He was a published sports writer at www.defpen.com. Max was excited to begin preparing for his career in journalism at LSU and had already made a new home in Louisiana.

Max died at LSU from a hazing event held at the Phi Delta Theta house on September 14, 2017. His parents, Rae Ann and Steve, found a journal shortly after Max died where he wrote,

“God works in funny ways. He does bad things sometimes because, in the end, they are good. Something bad may happen to you, but it may happen because it will make you better. He does bad to ultimately create good.”

This passage gave Steve and Rae Ann Gruver the strength and direction to start the Max Gruver Foundation.



Stop Campus Hazing Act

The Stop Campus Hazing Act was signed into law on December 24, 2024.  SCHA requires each institution of higher education that receives federal student aid to maintain and update biannually a website page that discloses student organization violations of the institution’s code of conduct that threaten the safety of students. The report will detail the corrective measures imposed by the school on the student organization. This will allow students and parents to make a more informed decision about which student organizations are safe to join. States such as South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana and Pennsylvania have already adopted similar laws, but it will be more effective as a federal law to include these disclosures to cover all schools.

Learn More


The Max Gruver Act Louisiana

- Fines up to $1,000 and six months in jail for non-fatal hazing.    - Hazing resulting in bodily harm, death, or a BAC of .30 or higher: up to 5 years in prison and $10,000 fines.
- Requires universities to expel or suspend students involved in hazing.    - Mandates groups to report suspected hazing.    - Requires anti-hazing education.
- Imposes fines up to $1,000 and up to 1 year in prison for failing to assist or report an injured person at an emergency scene.    - If death results, fines up to $2,500 and up to 5 years in prison.
- Protects the identity of students reporting violations of the student code of conduct.

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The Max Gruver Act Georgia

The current Hazing law in Georgia is any person who commits the offense of hazing and found guilty of a misdemeanor or a high and aggravated nature will be fined up to $5,000 and/or up to 12 months in jail.
· As of July1, 2021 each school shall establish policies to facilitate:
Reporting, investigation, provision of due process administration adjudication of alleged hazing incidents of organizations.
· Public disclosure of administrative decisions of hazing or hazing
convictions within 15 calendar days of final judgement or public notice of criminal convictions.
· Colleges and Universities will publicly disclose each incident of hazing prominently on their school’s website for a period of no less than five years of final decision or conviction.  
- Name of any school organization involved
- Date or dates on which hazing occurred
- Description of specific hazing related findings, sanctions, adjudications, and convictions for any person or school organization.

Learn More

Speaking Requests

Rae Ann and Steve Gruver, parents of Max and founders of the Max Gruver Foundation, will tell Max's story and educate the audience on the tragic consequences of hazing.  They will discuss what hazing is, what students and parents need to watch out for and what you can do to keep yourself and your friends safe.  Their goal is to educate so no other family has to suffer the loss of a child due to any hazing activity.
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"Rae Ann and Steve speak from the heart as they share the tragic impact of hazing on their family. From the heart, they share their son Max's story in an impactful way. The audience, whether students or adults, are guaranteed to leave with a clear understanding of hazing, a call to report it and ultimately to end the practice of hazing"

Todd Shelton

Executive Director at Hazing Prevention Network

"Having spent the last decade addressing the issue of hazing on college campuses, I'm immensely grateful for this program and have seen its impact on students and community members.  The Gruver's powerful message catalyzes change while fostering a culture of empathy and awareness to help prevent hazing."

Donald Abels

Director of Greek Life - University of the South, Sewanee

Call To Action

How You Can Help


The Max Gruver Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a Georgia nonprofit corporation that has recently been approved for Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. The Foundation is a tax-exempt organization within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).All proceeds go directly towards the Max Gruver Foundation.
To place a bulk order, contact us at info@maxgruverFoundation.com.


We encourage everyone to explore these resources and learn more ways to prevent hazing.

Read how your state defines and penalizes hazing​ - Hazing Prevention Network has a helpful interactive map about this topic!
Research if your state or university has medical amnesty to protect you for seeking medical attention for someone after engaging in illegal behavior.

Purchase the anti-hazing course produced by Burton Services.

High School Program

Since the partnership was announced in January 2020, Steve and Rae Ann Gruver have shared Max's story within and beyond Phi Delta Theta to prevent tragedy and stop hazing. As the work has continued, the partnership has realized that with more than 15.1 million high school students at 23,000 high schools in the United States, anti-hazing conversations and education need to begin before students enter college. The partnership has undertaken the effort to educate and prevent hazing earlier in students' lives by presenting the program "Take Action: Building New Traditions" to high school students across North America.

Take Action is a sixty-minute program that shares Max's story and provides peer-to-peer education from current college students who share their experiences in clubs, teams, and organizations. During it, students are empowered by understanding what hazing is, how it starts, and why it occurs. They identify positive approaches to help make better decisions, build new traditions, and STOP HAZING.

Go to www.Stopthehazing-takeaction.com to watch our promotional video and fill out a form to find out how to bring this program to your high school. Together, we can end hazing.


Rae Ann came home to Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Nu at Clemson University in 1988. After Max's death, her ADPi sisters reached out with support and comfort, making this partnership even more meaningful.

In 2018, over 160 active chapters received marketing materials to spread awareness on their campuses during National Hazing Prevention Week. Alpha Delta Pi is helping spread our message to #StopTheHazing from coast to coast.

Each year, the Max Gruver Foundation and ADPi continue to partner for National Hazing Prevention Week, with many chapters across the country holding fundraising events in support of MGF and hazing awareness. We are grateful for the support of Rae Ann's sisters.


3 Pack of Wristbands

$ 5.00 USD

Pura Vida Bracelet

$ 10.00 USD

"Hazed" Magazine

$ 5.00 USD


Events put on by the Max Gruver Foundation to raise awareness

Speaking Engagements

Hear Max's story

and learn the tragic

consequences of hazing

Annual Fly High Max 5k Race

March 1st, 2025

8:00 am

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

Wine Tasting and Cornhole Tournament

August 17, 2025

12:00-4:00 pm

Deep Roots Wine Market and Tasting Room

MGF Team

Meet Our Team

Rae Ann Gruver



Steve Gruver



Alex Gruver



Lily Gruver



Blakely Willard

Co-founder, Philanthropy Specialist


Kelley Jones



Susan Shu

VP Fundraising


Kristin Bachman

Foundation Coordinator


Trusted Hazing resouces and partners


Stay in touch with us
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